- Yesterday evening she started smacking her tongue against the roof of her mouth. After I noticed it, I would do it and she would immitate. This went on all evening. Cute.
- She has been pointing for a few weeks now. She will point at her videos or things she sees.
- One morning, when her dad and I were playing with her, we asked her to bring two toys to us from her toy shelf. Out of ALL her toys, she brought the correct ones to us in the right order!
- She throws things and grunts (is that the right word?) - like if she were mad. Especially when she no longer wants to eat that item or, like yesterday when I would grab her sock and throw it on the carpet and make the noise, she would pick it up and do the same. So cute, she even makes a "mad" looking face when she grunts.
- Today, we went to our first play group at the library. There were other mamas and babies. She liked it! I think I will do that every week from now on. Tomorrow we may go work out at the beach with the stroller in another mama group.
Hmmm, i know there are more updates, so I'll have to remember them and post them soon. For now, thats all folks!
I can't wait till Halloween. Its my baby's week! Her dad always wanted our baby to be born on Halloween and by coincidence she was born that week. We are decorating our place this year :) How fun.
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